Sunday, December 7, 2008

My other blog...

Hey Sistas...and Randall Adams...
I had several of you tell me you liked my blog about Christmas Caroling...Thanks! And I had someone comment that I didn't blog enough....well, here is a little secret...I do have a personal blog that I write all my silly stuff and my quirky things - click here to go to The Sista-hood! (Hold on Randall)

Friday, December 5, 2008


Caroling with my Sistas!
(click pictures to enlarge)

Loading the Sleigh all Excited :)

First Stop Sista Janice McAllister's Mother
This was priceless...the tears started to flow~

Another precious family

Greg Kelley's Mother was next
We Sistas were singing our hearts out and
we sounded WONDERFUL!!

Next, Sista Kathy's Georgia Grandmother
I tell you what, We all were crying -This was precious!!

Then to Sista Anderson's home
(This is Mother to Judy Bryant and Grandmother to Melissa Anderson and Juanita Umberhant)
Each home was given a loaf of pumpkin bread

Here's the Sista Caroling Choir
We'll be looking for "ewe" next Year

These precious Sistas worked so hard to have
everything ready ~ Beautiful Job~

~Fun, Food and Fellowship ~
Well, it doesn't get any better than that!

The night was a little chilly, and thanks to the LORD the rain stopped! As fifteen Sistas from The Torch loaded the sleigh. It was our mission to be a blessing and give some Christmas Joy! So with a quick rehearsal of Silent night we were on our way to be a blessing!! With each and every home it became more and more apparent to me that I was not the one giving the blessing, but in fact, I was being blessed! To see the expressions on the faces of these precious people. Some who are and have been battling ill health and other problems. To see them singing along with a smile as BIG as well, TEXAS!! I will never forget how special this was...and I heard that this is going to be an annual event. So if you did not make it this year - join in next year!

Matthew 25:40.(NLT) ..I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me. - Says it all!

Then the night was not over...we returned to the church in a very shaky van. I was driving and I promise I did not have the parking brake engaged - I promise!! Any way for all of us that had to get to the potty - it made things a little more intense...enough said! So back to the church for the food and fellowship - we had a total of 25 ladies and we enjoyed ourselves - Sista Carmen expressed her appreciation to Sista Connie Franklin on behalf of the ladies of The Torch and presented her with a gift certificate to Seven & Company to get her hair done.

Blessings to "Ewe" and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Sista Staci

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